Opinions Are Mine

Thermostats And Thermometers

4 years ago

I genuinely believe that collectiveness is what will help us change the world: a collective of people that transcends gender, age, and race and puts together kindred spirits able to change the temperature in the room. First time I embraced this concept was 2009, reading "Open," Andre Agassi's autobiography.

The second time when I met my airport unicorn, and I found out he also talked about thermostats and thermometers. To remind me how the power of us coming together and bring change is possible, I had a recent adventure with police and abuse of power.

I know I was able to overcome what happened because of the fantastic spirits around me, near and far, that contributed with words, thoughts, and actions to a positive outcome of a potentially harmful situation and a stronger belief in my purpose.

Chale, we shall overcome.

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Song Credit : Special thanks to SuperJazzClub for use of their songs. Find more of their work here

Song Credit : Special thanks to Ria Boss for use of her songs. Find more of her work here

Copyright 2018 GCR